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August 1999 No. 13
The European Association of Fisheries Economists


Forthcoming workshops

FAO Technical Meeting on the Measurement of Fishing Capacity.
Mexico, 29 November to 3 December 1999

FAO has been very much involved over the last two years in the development of a more appropriate framework for the management of fishing capacity. A Technical Working Group on the Management of Fishing Capacity met in April 1998 to review related issues. Its work contributed to the elaboration and the adoption by the FAO Committee for Fisheries (COFI) in February 1999 of an International Plan of Action for the Management of Fishing Capacity. To ensure timely implementation of the Plan of Action, COFI further recommended that FAO organise a Technical Meeting on the Measurement of Fishing Capacity (TMM). This proposal was also discussed at the FAO Ministerial Meeting on Fisheries held in Rome on 11-12 March 1999 and judged most appropriate in view of growing concern for overcapacity in fisheries and the need to proceed as planned with the implementation of the Plan of Action.

The TMM will review various issues related to measurement with a view of facilitating the monitoring and assessment of fishing capacity worldwide. It will do so in accordance with the International Plan of Action for the Management of Fishing Capacity and in reference to work conducted in 1998 by FAO on the management of fishing capacity. The TMM will advise on simple and practical methods for the measurement of capacity and the assessment of any imbalance between actual and desired levels of fishing capacity. New avenues and priorities for applied research would also be discussed.

The expected outcome will be: (i) a technical report which would serve as a basis for the subsequent preparation of technical guidelines by FAO and (ii) reference material in the form of a single publication of all technical papers prepared especially for the meeting.

For further details please contact Dominique Greboval at FAO on dominique.greboval@fao.org or access www.fao.org/fi/meetings/mmt/fce.htm.

First Announcement about a possible workshop on Ecosystem Management of the Baltic Sea fisheries

Questions of ecosystem approaches to fisheries management are more and more important. To deal with ecological, economical and social sustainability an adequate co-operation between different disciplines is necessary. The Baltic Sea could be a very good example for introduction of something like an ecosystem approach in fisheries management. Only a few fish species live in the brackish water environment and therefore we know a lot about the ecosystem and interactions between species. In addition, all countries interested in fisheries in the region currently co-operate in the International Baltic Sea Fisheries Commission.

In a workshop over one day before/after the next EAFE Conference in Denmark 2000 we want to work out between different disciplines what are possible strategies to introduce an ecosystem approach in the Baltic Sea fisheries.

Some questions/themes the workshop could deal with include:

  • Stock and fishing fleet interactions
  • Economic and biological meaning of a precautionary approach or safe minimum standard
  • Current knowledge and knowledge gaps
  • Is multi-disciplinarity the way forward?
  • What does it mean from a biological and economic point of view to start a rebuild programme for cod?
  • Is it possible to allow wider participation of stakeholders in the decision process about TACs or technical measures in Baltic Sea fisheries?

Please contact Ralf Döring on doering@mail.uni-greifswald.de, tel: (+49) 3834 86 4127, or fax: (+49) 3834 86 4107 for further details.

Bioeconomic modelling workshop

Sean Pascoe at CEMARE will be organising a workshop on bioeconomic modelling at the end of the year. Although exact details of structure, participation and logistics were yet to be finalised at the time of print, further information will shortly be available by contacting Sean Pascoe on sean.pascoe@port.ac.uk or tel: (+44) 1705 844242.

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