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November 1999 No. 14
The European Association of Fisheries Economists




Institute News


SJFI, Denmark

Hans Frost was appointed as Consultant on 1 October 1999, moving from his previous post of Senior Lecturer at the University of Southern Denmark. Phillip Rodgers of CFER in the UK has also been contracted to assist with research activities.


The Institute is also seeking a new Researcher for their Fisheries Economics and Management Division. The Researcher should possess PhD qualifications or equivalent work experience (similar to Research Fellow status). The Researcher will be concerned with working within the area of bio-economic modelling and fisheries management implications. Further details can be obtained by contacting the Fisheries Research Director, Dr. Jørgen Løkkegaard, on jl@sjfi.dk or tel: (+45) 36 13 36 72. General background information on SJFI can be obtained on www.sjfi.dk.



Patty Clay has changed her name to Patty Clayton, following her marriage in June. Congratulations! Furthermore, in January 2000 she is moving to a new position of Research Fellow with the University of Aberdeen (Land Economy Department) and the Marine Laboratory, Aberdeen, where she will be developing innovative approaches to fisheries management in Scotland from a socio-economic viewpoint.  In particular the research will be examining the importance of local fisheries knowledge and assessing ways to incorporate this knowledge into fisheries management.



Joan Baron is leaving CEMARE at the end of November to take up a post as Information Manager for the 'OneFish Community Directory'.


OneFish (www.onefish.org) is being developed at SIFAR - the Support unit for International Fisheries and Aquatic Research at the FAO (UN) in Rome. The powerful new software has the potential to become the best platform for improving collaboration and information flows in fisheries research and it will revolutionise the sharing and dissemination of knowledge amongst specialist workers in the fisheries and aquatic resources research community. What will make OneFish so special is that through the mechanism of volunteer editors, subject matter specialists (like yourselves) will be given the tools to edit and enrich OneFish topics. SIFAR, through FAO, will be providing the OneFish service free of charge when it is launched early next year.


I have very much enjoyed my time at CEMARE and meeting and working with various members of EAFE throughout that period. Now that I am going to be involved in such an exciting and innovative project for the fisheries research community, I plan to keep up my links with everyone at CEMARE and those involved in EAFE. So there will be more news of SIFAR and OneFish to come.


If anyone wishes to contact me in the meantime you can do so on my home email address, ajvarley@compuserve.com.


Joan Baron, CEMARE  

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