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November 1999 No. 14
The European Association of Fisheries Economists




Forthcoming Workshops


Bioeconomic modelling workshop - Portsmouth, February 2000

Following on from the success of the 7th workshop held in September 1997, the 8th will once again be held in Portsmouth. The workshop, originally to be held in December, will now be arranged for February 2000. 


The aim of the workshop is to provide a forum for international researchers involved in bioeconomic modelling to present the results of the their research, along with their ideas on model construction and development. To this end the focus of the workshop is as much on the methodologies employed as it is on the results obtained.


Papers based on work in progress are encouraged along with papers based on completed studies. This will be a good forum to discuss conceptual or analytical problems experienced in developing models. It will also provide a good opportunity to inform other researchers of the work you may be involved in so that cross fertilisation of ideas can take place.


The deadline for expressions of interest of attendance is Friday the 17th December. Further details and registration forms can be obtained from Sean Pascoe at CEMARE on sean.pascoe@port.ac.uk, tel: (+44) 1705 844 099 or fax: (+44) 1705 844 037. 


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