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European Association of Fisheries Economists


Founded in 1989, EAFE is an independent association of economists working in fisheries, including the catching, aquaculture and on-shore sectors, in the member states of the European Economic Area (EEA). EAFE is registered in France under the Law of 1901.

The Objectives of EAFE include:

      promoting cooperation in research in fisheries and aquaculture,

      assisting the dissemination of information about fisheries economics among members,

      furthering understanding of the economics of fisheries and aquaculture

Membership of EAFE

Membership of EAFE is obtained simply by completing a membership form and on payment of the subscription.

Membership is open to any economist working in fisheries in academia, the industry, or the public sector, from or working in a member state of the EEA.

Associate membership is available to non-economists from the EEA and to economists outside the EEA working in fisheries.

Corporate membership is available to institutions and representative groups in the EEA with an interest in fisheries and fisheries economics research. For further information click onto join eafe.

The Structure of EAFE

The day-to-day running of EAFE is undertaken by a Bureau of five Officers - the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Rapporteur.

Funding of EAFE

EAFE was initially established with the encouragement of the European Commission but is entirely self-funded by membership subscriptions. The audited accounts are presented to the AGM each year.

Activities of EAFE

The Annual Conference:
EAFE holds an Annual Conference in the Spring, each time in a different member state of the EEA. The conference is open to members and non-members. It is divided into theme sessions introduced by keynote speakers who have made a significant contribution to fisheries economics and presentation and discussion of papers relating to the topics by those attending. There is also a session for papers outside the conference themes. There is another for doctoral students to make short presentations on their research topics and progress. For further information click onto conferences.

The Annual General Meeting:
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) takes place during the Conference.

Workshops on various areas of interest are organised. These may be put on by any member with the endorsement of the bureau. For example, there is an annual bioeconomic modelling workshop. The purpose of the workshops is to enable members to discuss ongoing research.

The Commissions:
Areas of importance may be considered by standing or ad hoc commissions. 

The Advisory Committee (EAFE-AC):
The Advisory Committee of EAFE has been established the 30th October 2001 with the following Terms of reference and structure:

In accordance with the role of EAFE, as defined under the objectives of EAFE, the Bureau of EAFE with the consent of the Annual General Meeting has decided to establish an Advisory Committee.

 The terms of reference of the Advisory Committee are:

- To offer advice on the short and long term efficient use of fisheries resources, to interested bodies within and outside the European Union (European Economic Area), including the European Commission, its committees and working groups.

- To consider and offer an opinion on the effectiveness and expected impact of current and proposed fisheries management measures and methods.

- To take a position on the economic situation of the fisheries of the European Union (European Economic Area), based on accessible material.

The chairman and members of the advisory committee will be approved  by the EAFE Bureau.

 Detailed rules of membership of the committee are set out in the Minutes of the Bureau Meeting of 20th September 2001 but broadly, corporate members of the EAFE conducting significant continuous fisheries economic research may nominate one member each for the advisory committee.  The EAFE President and Secretary are ex officio members.

Meetings of the advisory committee will take place as necessary and the work of the committee will mainly be carried out on e-mail correspondence.

The Advisory Committee will commence its work in October 2001.

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