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printed version ISSN 0967 - 5795  
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September 1997 No. 12
The European Association of Fisheries Economists


EAFE Homepage

The EAFE homepage should become the electronic information and communication centre of the association. Our purpose is to promote contacts between members, to spread information in an efficient way and to present the association to the outside world. The homepage is intended to be a source of information for all members about the latest developments in the association.

Apart from general information about the EAFE, the homepage contains a searchable list of members with phone and fax numbers and Email addresses. Information on the organization of the 10th annual conference in The Hague (1998) is available as well as on previous conferences. The complete proceedings of the last three conferences will be accessible. New issues of the EAFE bulletin will also be made available on the homepage. In the future a bulletin board will be attached to the homepage. This will be the place to ask questions to the EAFE community and to find research partners for your projects.

The homepage is accessible since September 1998 at "www.lei.dlo.nl/EAFE". The success of the homepage will depend on your contribution. If you have any information of interest to other EAFE members, let us know about it. For questions, comments remarks or suggestions, please contact Erik Buisman via the Email link below.

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