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September 1997 No. 12
The European Association of Fisheries Economists



EAFE Annual Conference in The Hague March 31 - April 3
First Announcement and Call for papers

The Xth Annual Conference of the European Association of Fisheries Economists will be held in The Hague from Tuesday March 31 to Friday April 3.

Papers will be accepted on all issues relating to fisheries management and fisheries economics. Session topics will be determined on the basis of submitted papers. The following subjects will be of primary importance:

  1. Developing options for fishery management techniques, criteria, etc.
  2. Economic performance of fishing fleets: What about the crisis?
  3. Economics and environmental issues in fisheries
  4. Fleet productivity and techno- logical progress
  5. Cooperation with other disciplines: How to go about multidisciplinary research?
  6. Capacity and over-capacity: economic assessment of the driving forces, empirical quantification, etc

In order to allow sufficient time for presentations and discussion, some topics may be organized in parallel sessions.

All contributors who submit a papers which is not accepted for oral presentation will be given an opportunity to present a poster. A special poster session will be included in programme. The organizers hold the view that presenting a poster will be an excellent opportunity for many (PhD) students to discuss their work in greater detail than a short presentation permits.

A large number of national and international research projects relating to fisheries economics has been carried out over the last years. This research has produced a substantial volume of grey literature. Demonstration tables will be made available for display of research reports. Researchers wishing to present copies of their work are invited to indicate so to the organizers.

During the conference an opportunity will be offered to hold separate meeting on on-going projects, - preparation of international proposals or ad hoc discussion.

Two panel discussions will be held. One panel will be on a fisheries management issue, with representatives from the industry, national/EU administration and researchers. Second panel will explore the feasibility of multi-disciplinary cooperation. Potential contribution of economics, as perceived by others, will be one of the central themes of both discussions.

Abstracts of papers (150 words) should be submitted by January 15, 1998 at the latest. Posters will be accepted till March 1, 1998.

Fisheries Division of the Agricultural Economics Research Institute (LEI-DLO). News on the Conference will be available through the Internet EAFE Home Page. All enquiries may be directed to:

Ursula Mannee or Erik Buisman
P.O.Box 29703, 2502 LS The Hague,
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 70 3308330/200/162; Fax: +3170 3615624;
E-mail: u.mannee@lei.dlo.nl or

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